If you have watched Sex in the City, you will have to agree that one of the main characters was Carrie’s built in wardrobe. It contained all of the things that meant the most to her. Shoes. Shoes and more Shoes. As well as a large range of vintage and designer clothing. Even if you have never seen an episode of the show, most people would admit that having the right wardrobe for your needs makes for an organized bedroom. So how can you utilize the space that you currently have? Here are some tips for getting the most out of your storage.
Built in wardrobes – Hanging space
Depending on whether you wear suits, pants, coats or long dresses, you will need hanging space that is either short or long. Short hanging space will give you double the amount of storage, however dresses need fabric to fall. Half the challenge in designing the ultimate wardrobe is knowing what you have to store in the first place. A full stocktake should be done before drawing out a diagram of what you need.

Built in wardrobes – Shelves
A large built in wardrobe can display all of your shoes out for all to see, however for most people this is just a dream. Keep the shoes out on shelves that you wear on a regular basis and then use clear shoe boxes to stack the rest away on shelves, or at the base of the wardrobe. This keeps them in top shape, dust free and easy to find when you do want to wear something different.
Built in wardrobes – Drawers
Drawers are great for our under garments, T-shirts and active wear. The theory ‘Less is more’ works well with all of these items. Keep a few good quality pieces of clothing that you love to wear in each category and get rid of the rest. Use a top drawer to hold belts, gloves and other accessories. Dividers can be bought from storage shops that will keep your drawers in top shape.

Use containers on high shelves
If you are lucky to have a top shelf, then buy some matching containers or baskets to keep excess items tidy. Football jerseys and jumpers that only get worn a few months of the year could be stored here. Containers with lids will also help keep the dust out and preserve your clothes that aren’t being used regularly.

Sort through what you have and reduce where you can
Most people have more clothes than they need. Most people are storing clothes that don’t fit them and that they haven’t worn for years. These clothes should be purged and either donated to charity or thrown away. To get the most out of your new storage solution, you should only keep the clothes that you love to wear every day and on a special occasion.