Qualified asbestos professionals must have a license.
Unless you are removing 10 square meters or less of non-friable asbestos, you must hire a professional asbestos remover. If you are looking for qualified asbestos professionals, it can be hard to know who to choose. Due to the potential for asbestos exposure for many people, there are strict work health and safety (WHS) regulations in place. Here is some information that can help you to choose the best person for your situation.
Image credit: www.goulburnpost.com.au
Licenses issued
There are are strict guidelines for the training and competency requirements for professionals. This includes those assessing properties for asbestos, removing asbestos and supervisors working in this field. These regulations have outlined the issuing of two types of licences for professionals that remove asbestos. Class A and Class B. Class A licences allow a business to remove all types of asbestos. This includes friable and non-friable asbestos. Class B licences, only allow a business to remove non-friable asbestos. There is a licence particularly for asbestos assessors. Asbestos assessors carry out air monitoring and clearance inspections, once friable asbestos has been removed.

Codes of practice
The government has also developed Codes of Practice for the asbestos industry. These give practical guidance for those conducting a business, who carry out duties under the WHS Act and WHS regulations. The codes of practice are called How to safely remove asbestos and How to Manage and Control Asbestos in the workplace. If you would like more information on regulations and safety, you can call your WHS regulator on your state or territory.